Public Welfare | The trip to Angel Home was to help those angels with broken wings with our loving care

On June 25, 2018, the working staff of Houde Collection went to an orphanage in Beijing named Angel Home to visit those little lovely angels. They spent an agreeable afternoon together with them besides donating daily necessities, a refrigerator, fruits and vegetables and stationery articles like the crayon as well as 2,000 yuan to them. 

Beijing Angel Family

Donation Activity

Donation Activity

Donation Activity

In 2017, Beijing Houde Collection Artwork Co., Ltd. started its first trip to Angel Home. Since then, it stays committed to this good tradition and keeps its social responsibility in mind by active involvement in the activities of charitable nature or public welfare. As the saying goes ¡°Many a little makes a mickle¡±, all the staff members of Houde Collection gave those angels with broken wings their own loving support by concrete actions.

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