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Everything goes well---silver commemorative medallion of Chinese zodiac in the year of the pig

Everything goes well---silver commemorative medallion of Chinese zodiac in the year of the pig" is produced by China golden coin Shenzhen Distribution Center and cast by Shanghai Coinage co., LTD.. It is the first Chinese traditional lunar New Year commemorative medallion to break cross the boundary with Swarovski. This series of silver seals break the regular convention and adopt the special-shaped punching technology so that the seal face is hollowing out in a large area and presents the image of the pig of the Chinese zodiac. There are 10 types of auspicious symbols representing happiness and good luck in Chinese and foreign traditional culture carved on the surface of the seal, which is endowed the meaning of "perfect". Crystal ray is colorful, gathers the energy of happiness and brings good luck to the person who holds it!

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